Updated December 2024; Toronto, ON, Canada.
Current priority
- Searching for an agile coaching position in Toronto. Here are my résumé page and LinkedIn profile. (I updated both recently.) I’ve had some “near misses” (e.g. contract cancelled the day before I was due to start) so hopefully something will stick soon.
Kaizen (improvement step)
- Still need to work on physical health improvements; at least I’m back to playing badminton on a regular basis
Eternally needing attention
- Toronto Photo Walks continues its regular schedule of two walks each month. (First and third Saturdays)
- Job seeking: companies are already starting to go quiet as it gets closer to the end of the year; hopefully New Year = new budgets and new job postings
Top (few things) of my backlog
- Get back into posting about agile and/or coaching on my work-related blog
Commit or drop?
- I’ve trimmed down my podcast backlog because I can’t keep up; I should update my list
Now page inspired by Derek Sivers and the NowNowNow project.