Call me slow but I’ve only just realised that one of my shots is featured on the header of the Honda Indy Toronto website!
The website uses a few different images in the banner so you might have to reload a couple of times before you see it, but here it is (scaled down slightly to fit inside my blog):
…and here’s the photo I took:
You can find more of my Best of Toronto Honda Indy 2010 shots; I didn’t create a “best of” for 2011 so you can find a large album of them on Flickr. OK, now there is a Best of Toronto Honda Indy 2011 set.
p.s. I’ve been invited back to shoot for the circuit again this year! 🙂
When I shoot for the circuit, the arrangement is I get a media pass that grants me full access in exchange for them being able to use some of my shots, although I don’t get photo credit so it’s down to me to spot them when they use them.
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