Paul Henman sysadmin Change of scenery

Change of scenery

I’m trying out a new theme for this blog – I was using MistyLook but I’ve just installed Chronicles, so let me know what you think and especially if you find any problems.

2 thoughts on “Change of scenery”

  1. The list of Pages (e.g. About & Contact) aren’t visible. I’m working on fixing that now…
    Strange this is that switching my “work” blog from Abstractia to Chronicles (just as a test) works just fine!

    Turns out it wasn’t a style/CSS problem – I had more top level pages on this blog and it couldn’t fit them in the space, so I’ve moved a page and it works OK now.

  2. Archives page is empty; changing to a different brings it back, so it’s a Theme problem not a db / data / config issue.

    Fixed: grabbed some code from the archives.php file from the Default theme, merged it into the code from page.php, and now it works 🙂

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