I got a new iPhone a couple of days ago, and one of the things I need to set up is sending & receiving email. That’s not too hard but you have to ignore the obvious way (Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Add Account -> Gmail) and instead use Add Account -> Microsoft Exchange (seriously!) if you want to auto-sync your contacts.
The next challenge is to set it up so I can send emails using my aliases – in Gmail (website) I can pick which of my addresses I use in the From: field. This is important because I use one email address with friends, one for work, and one for everything else. So how do I configure the iPhone to use these aliases? I found a couple of web pages with partial information, so I thought I should write the step-by-steps instructions here:
- Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Add Account -> Other -> Add Mail Account.
- Enter your name, email address (e.g. alias@domain2.com), password (irrelevant but a required field) and it’ll auto-populate Description with your email address; hit Save.
- Select POP rather than IMAP.
- For the Incoming Mail Server fields, enter anything (I used “x”) for the Host Name and User Name as these are irrelevant.
- For the Outgoing Mail Server fields, the Host Name is smtp.gmail.com; use your default Gmail user name (e.g. myname@gmail.com) and password.
- Hit Save.
- You’ll get a pop-up that says it “Cannot Connect Using SSL”; hit No.
- Hit Save again. You’ll get another warning pop-up (you may not be able to send or receive) but hit Save to confirm the action.
- Re-open that account (tap the email address e.g. alias@domain2.com) and now you can remove the Incoming Mail Server fields – delete all 3 fields then hit “Mail..” (top left corner of the screen) to return to your Accounts list.
- While you’re in the Accounts page, scroll down to Default Account and tap on it, then select your default Gmail email address (e.g. myname@gmail.com) then return to the Accounts page.
Now it’s configured, test it by creating a new email message – tap the “Cc/Bcc, From:” line to open it up into three fields, and then you should see your alias listed under the From: field.
p.s. I still see a copy of the email I sent in my Gmail (web page) Sent Mail box even though I don’t have “Always Bcc Myself” turned on.
Everything worked great until I got to step 9. After I delete the information in the three feilds my only option is to cancel. (top left corner of sreen)
I guess things have changed since I wrote this 9 months ago, and I’d rather not wipe my settings to re-try this in case there is a problem. If I get a chance I’ll create a new gmail account and see if I can set it up too.
Lifehacker article: “How to Set Up Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts (Properly) on iOS” @ http://lifehacker.com/5859854/how-to-set-up-gmail-google-calendar-and-google-contacts-on-ios
Google’s How-To is @ https://support.google.com/mobile/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=138740