As I mentioned in my October photo updates post, I’m just starting to use Lightroom 3. It’s fairly intuitive, I find, and I’m hopeful that it’ll help me improve my workflow and the quality of the photos I post on my Flickr photostream. I don’t edit my photos very much, so the Develop module gives me more options than I can see me needing.
One of the nice features in Lightroom is the concept of Smart Collections – these are dynamic collections based on a set of rules. I’ve created a Smart Collection that shows me which photos I’ve rated as 3 or more (out of 5) stars but haven’t yet edited. However (there’s always a catch!) I’ve not been able to set up the SC rules to skip images that I’ve uploaded to Flickr. I’m trying to check the “Published Via” value because I assume it should contain “Flickr” once I’ve used the built-in Publish Service to upload an image to my Flickr stream. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find any documentation on this field, and I can’t find a way to display the value in this field, hence my assumption. Has anyone got a Smart Collection working which can identify when an image has been uploaded?
I’ve had a look at and posted a question on the post about Smart Collections.
I’ve also posted the question on Twitter and Mike Nelson Pedde suggested checking out the Lightroom Q&A forum on, which I’m about to do.
I solved my problem! Even though the publishing service is called Flickr, the Description field is blank by default; I entered “Flickr” (as the Description) and suddenly my filters now work!