Paul Henman agile 10 Things for Agile Execs

10 Things for Agile Execs

Kelly Waters wrote a great post entitled “10 Things Agile Executives Need To Do Differently” – I hope people will read it (it’s only 10 bullet points – I’m sure you can spare 2 minutes!) and think about how it applies to your own situation.

I’ve been coaching multiple teams (at the same organisation) for the past 14 months and seen many of these issues; of course every team is different and therefore has different challenges, but there are some which crop up quite often. The two “regulars” are:

  • people’s allocation – worst I’ve seen is where some team members were only 20% allocated to the project, which meant 80% of their day was spent on multiple waterfall projects!
  • co-location – some of the teams have a dedicated team room but for many it’s a constant challenge to book meeting rooms where the team can spend at least some of the day together … and if the team’s not 100% allocated to the team it’s even harder to justify a team room

These problems cut across many of the items on Kelly’s list, and hopefully we can address them soon!

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