The race weekend is over – now I just need a couple of days to recover! 🙂
Friday was hot and humid; apparently the track temperature mid-afternoon was around 130°F/54°C, and there’s virtually no shade at the circuit. Our shotlist focused on people shots (in Thunder Alley, etc.) as well as capturing the new Indy car chassis. [My unedited shots are on Flickr.]
Saturday started with quite a downpour but quickly headed back into familiar (hot & humid) territory. I spent most of my time down at Turn 3 (the end of the Lake Shore straight) but was also responsible for getting lots of shots of people enjoying the craft beer sponsors, Amsterdam and Muskoka.
Today was not as bad as the past few days, and at times was almost pleasant (by which I mean it wasn’t stupidly hot/humid). After a few shots of some VIPs in two-seater cars, I was down at Turn 3 for the whole Indy race. It was pretty quiet until the penultimate lap, when five cars ended up stopped in the turn; fortunately the safety team got them all running again, but the race ended behind the pace car. Being so far from Victory Circle meant I didn’t shoot the ceremony this year; I did, however, run into Will Power in the pit lane 🙂
I’ve started processing some of these shots; they’re appearing in a new Flickr set @