Paul Henman technology Tech Resolutions

Tech Resolutions

A bit late but still worth considering as we start the new year!

I was listening to episode 234 of the Mac Power Users podcast, and their guest Bradley Chambers talked about his Technology resolutions for 2015 blogpost. It’s worth reading his post, but here’s my summary of what I need to add to my backlog for this year:

  1. Upgrade Your Wi-Fi
    I don’t know if I need to upgrade the hardware but I definitely need to move the router and repeater to give us better coverage, especially as we’re starting to use our new Chromecast.
  2. Rotate Your Time Machine Drive
    The Mac mini uses the ReadyNAS NV+ for Time Machine, so there’s no problem there.
  3. Get Your Photos Organized
    I’ve caught up with my recent shooting, but I’d like to go back and look at some older shots, maybe re-edit them … but this pretty low priority.
  4. Get An Offsite Backup
    Done! I use Backblaze on both the Mac mini and MacBook Pro.
  5. Audit Your Web Subscriptions
    Yes, I need to do this!
  6. Clean Up Your Social Network Accounts
    Probably should do this too.
  7. Get a Password Strategy
    I like LastPass – it syncs between all my browsers, iPhone and iPad.

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