Paul Henman photographs,rugby,toronto Toronto Wolfpack vs Sheffield Eagles

Toronto Wolfpack vs Sheffield Eagles

Fortunately it wasn’t quite as hot as the Leigh Centurions game but it was still more than hot enough … and this is relevant because I had media access for this game, which meant no shade!

I rented the same 100-400mm lens that I use for Indy but I found I wasn’t shooting as close-up as I could, so I could probably have used a 200mm or maybe even the 24-105mm that I’ve been using when I shoot from the VIP area. Or maybe I should have been shooting more close-ups and missed the opportunity? Please leave a comment if you have any thoughts/advice.

Half-time entertainment included a kicking competition with fans representing each team.

The second half started with Toronto well ahead (28-4) and the Wolfpack just romped away, ending the game with another huge win: 68-4

This victory meant TWP secured their lead of the Betfred Championship League

You can find all my photos from this game on Flickr, along with my shots from the previous four games.

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Attack!, originally uploaded by Paul Henman. Taken during preparations for a nature photography workshop which I was asked to lead for the Spring Bird Festival at Tommy Thompson Park.