I missed my self-imposed deadline for posting the January summary, so this one covers two photowalks from January and one from February… although I still have photos to process from last month’s second photowalk.
- SPWG: South West Photo Walk
Some of the regular Toronto Photowalks participants get together mid-week so I joined them for a walk downtown.
You can see the whole album on Flickr. - TOPW: Riverside Walk
My first TOPW outing of 2023 (having missed our traditional “Hair of the Dog” walk on January 1st) was through Corktown.
You can see the whole album on Flickr, and find TOPW via our website, Flickr or Facebook group. - TOPW: West End Walk
It was a cold one (-29C with the wind chill) so it was quite a small group. My camera decided to stop working at about half distance but by then we’d traversed the worst of the icy paths and it wasn’t far to the Bandit Brewery. (Fortunately my camera was fine once it warmed up.)
You can see the whole album on Flickr, and find TOPW via our website, Flickr or Facebook group.
[My monthly round up posts on this site] [Last month: November + December]
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