I’ve dropped the “life stream” focused Agregado theme in favour of MistyLook, mainly because I’m refocusing my blog away from simply aggregating my other feeds. (The “life stream” is still there but it’s been relegated to the sidebar.)
The new banner picture is taken from a photo I took of a Lamborghini at the 2009 Toronto International Auto Show; you can find all my photos from the show in my flickr album.
I’m pretty happy with the new look but I’ve got a couple of other plugins that I’m testing out; let me know (leave a comment on this post) if you spot any issues. Thanks.
I’ve never tried customising my LJ layout – I just use the LJ provided ones. I think I’m going to use my LJ less and less, so I’m not sure it’s worth the effort … or is it really quick & easy?
Cool layout! Why don’t you use that for LJ too?