Please bear with me as I merge two of my photoblogs (Paul Henman Photography and Toronto Tuesday) into this blog. This site might need to go offline for short periods
Please bear with me as I merge two of my photoblogs (Paul Henman Photography and Toronto Tuesday) into this blog. This site might need to go offline for short periods
I’ve just kicked off a new photoblog over at – the aim is to post a new photo each week. I’ve got quite a backlog of shots to review,
I don’t know precisely what caused this blog to die, but a WordPress update I ran at the weekend which worked fine on the other blogs that I administer took
I put together a web page a while ago that summarises where to find Kerri and me (it’s at but I have a presence on a lot of sites,
I’ve just upgraded to TweetDeck v0.24.2b* and it now has the option to post to Facebook as well as (or instead of) Twitter, which means I no longer need to
I’ve dropped the “life stream” focused Agregado theme in favour of MistyLook, mainly because I’m refocusing my blog away from simply aggregating my other feeds. (The “life stream” is still
I’ve installed a new plugin in my blog: LiveJournal Crossposter. It should automatically re-post this to my LiveJournal account but I’ve configured it so that all comments must be on