At the start of the year I posted “MMX” in which I listed some goals for this year and, thanks to Lisa Bettany’s post, broke down some more details.
The good news is that I can check off most of my goals: I been a Scrum Master on a couple of projects and coaching Scrum teams throughout the year, and I think my photography has improved. I’ve certainly made progress with using Lightroom (now using LR3 on my Mac) and shot RAW only (apart from when I was at the Toronto Indy). The only thing I haven’t really done is show any of my work, but I’m hoping we can arrange an exhibition soon with some other members of the Toronto Photo Walks group.
So what about 2011? I think it’s more of the same, improving my skills and helping others do the same … and trying to catch up (and stay on top of) all my email!