Paul Henman photo Flood of photos

Flood of photos

I said in yesterday’s post that I was working on some photos, and finally I’ve finished them; hopefully you’ve already seen my photos from when Vic & I walked around the distillery district and the few pics from the Spirit of Toronto (whisky festival), so here’s what’s new:

  • Ryan’s confirmation and a few other photos from our visit to Kerri’s folks;
  • some snaps of The Boys (our cats) – they’re in the general Cats album, but start here for the recent photos;
  • ROMwalk: The Danforth was a walk around an area close to where we live, which included a couple of houses I’d not seen before.

I’m not going to include any photos in this post – just click on the links and go see them in Flickr, where you can find them in a variety of sizes and even leave comments … please!

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