Paul Henman photo Photo updates, November 2009

Photo updates, November 2009

November was a busy month (didn’t I say that in September and October too?) – I seemed to be out quite often, which means I took a lot of photos and so I’ve fallen behind in posting them: I’ve still got more shots to add to both the Santa Claus Parade and Yorkville photo walk sets.

Don’t forget to check out my most viewed photos (which Flickr calls the “most interesting” set) and the other albums @, as well as my monthly round up posts (look for the “photos” tag).

If you’ve only got time to look at one or two photos, check out my “best of” photoblog @ – I only post one picture per week (sometimes less!), so I try to pick a recent shot that I really like.

3 thoughts on “Photo updates, November 2009”

  1. I forgot: I’ve got a bunch of photos from my badminton club’s Xmas party to post too! Yeah, I’ve got a lot of pictures to review and process!

  2. I’ve finally finished posting photos to the 3 remaining sets (Santa Claus Parade, Yorkville photo walk & BADinTO Xmas party) … and we’re only half way through December!

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